Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday's Fix

" A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure". - Henry Kissinger

Life has its own pressures and difficulties. You can control to some degree how much of that pressure you allow in your life. Some pressure is good. It makes people get up in the morning, motivates them and them to do more and do better. Some pressure is just that. Big, fat, ugly pressure. The kind that makes your stomach turn and heart race. The kind that makes you want to avoid certain situations and even people if you have the choice. So how do we recalibrate?

Choose your path each day. Choose how you react to your emotions, choices and those of others. Do not "take on" others problems, anxiety or worry to the point that you yourself are on the floor in a ball. Every day is a new day. A day to do-over. Make them the best of your life even in times of adversity and challenge. See the light, look toward the positive and know a better day is coming. 

Happy Friday.



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