Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Creative Life

Every now and then I find myself in a slump. A creative slump that is! I am not an artist or actress but always feel the need for creativity in my life and when I have it, I am ultra satisfied.

Webster's defines creativity as the ability to create! But create what? Everyday we look to do better in our jobs, foster our relationships with our children and families, make more money, find more time, look better, feel better.. the list can go on and on. Is this just what life is about? Yes. It is about doing your personal and professional best and being creative, but on your terms! It is not about running yourself ragged each day for a "to do" list. I think that is the key part. Of course, you can do it along with others and you should, but you are the one that has to take the risk, the first step or the next opportunity to create the life you want based on your values and what is important to you. 

So how can we create more in our lives? 

First you have to figure out the area in which you feel you want to improve on and take subtle changes to get you there. Perhaps its to be more creative in your personal relationships or being more present with your children. Think about the ways in which you can make that happen. One suggestion is to schedule it. Put it in the calendar that you have "family time" from 5-7pm each night or every Sunday evening a movie night with your love. If we write things down, sometimes that is the way they get done and hold value. Sometimes if we do not schedule, it just never happens at all.

Perhaps you are looking to get to reading that book that has been at your nightstand for the past month. Make a pact with yourself that you are in bed and hour early so you can relax and lose yourself in the pages. Or better yet, go to the library where you will be uninterrupted in your reading.

Many of us want to be creative in the kitchen. Perhaps eat more healthfully. How about taking a cooking class or taking time one day out of the week to look at recipes and having meaningful and satisfying meals to look forward to. This is something you can also do with family which makes it more fun.

Have you heard of people that have a job but feel they are not satisfied or being utilized to their abilities? That is a hard situation to be in, because we have to go to work each day. So it can be a big downer in your life if you are not happy in your career. Everyone wants to shine and utilize their skills and creative side. Figure out what your passion is and strong points. Network with others to find out about possible opportunities in a career that would best suit you better. 

Get dirty! Maybe you like to scrapbook but never find the time. It can be so cathartic to choose pictures, write captions, cut and crop pictures, choose placement, use pretty embellishments and paper. The satisfaction when you have a beautiful album after is wonderful. Plus it is a lasting keepsake. AND it is something you can do with friends or family so can fulfill two creative purposes. Set aside the time. Perhaps you dream of writing a book someday. Start now. Writing your thoughts down or the story line bit by bit. Put yourself in front of others who write. Maybe join a writer's workshop. 

My creative outlet is definitely writing this blog. Posts and thoughts spill out of me at any moment and I yearn to share what is floating in my head to hopeful inspire others.  I always keep a journal at hand for that reason. The other is reading! It is a tiny pleasure that yes, I need to schedule or it does not get done. When I do get to read, my creative side thanks me. 

Creating a life for yourself is your responsibility. We often get too immersed in celebrity lives or the lives of our friends and what everyone else is doing and we can miss the opportunities that lay right in front of us if we took action. Let's look inward and look at how we can improve upon our own lives. How can we change and create a better life for ourselves and our future? We only have one shot at it. Make it count!

How do you bring creativity in your life?



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