Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Appreciation Goes a Long Way

We all work hard to do better, be better, strive for goals, help other people or go out of our way to show someone we care. Sometimes that hard work or gracious behavior goes unnoticed or even worse under appreciated. Think about a work situation where you did something for someone else and that other person got all the credit. Or how about when you went out of your way to volunteer to help a friend and never even got a thank you. A clear lack of appreciation for your efforts can be hurtful.

As humans we strive for the feeling of accomplishment, gratitude and acceptance from others and validation. We are wired this way. Sometimes even when we make the effort, we do not always get the effort back in return. I guess that is the risk of relationships, friendships and co-workers. Even though we put ourselves out there, there is no guarantee in a return if you will.

When going out of your way for someone or to help a co-worker, we must think about our own motives for doing so. Our motives must be to feel that whatever we are doing for someone is out of the goodness of our heart, regardless if we get any emotional paycheck back. For those who are looking for that emotional paycheck, this can be very upsetting.

Take a look at the people who do appreciate you and most of all, be appreciative to others. Who knows what others might be going through. Feel good that you did the good deed or favor for someone because it was in line with your values. Being appreciative might not be in line with other people's values. 

So appreciate those that appreciate you back. Foster relationships with people who are in tune with your life and values.
How do you show appreciation for those in your life?



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