Monday, June 22, 2015

Overwhelmed and Overbooked!

Ever get so overwhelmed you cannot breathe? Yes. You know breathing in and out and not feeling like your heart is going to explode from being stressed out?

We have all been there! We over commit, overdo and busy our schedules to the extreme. I am all about fitting in as much experience, adventure and fun into my life. But it is getting to the point where we need to schedule time just to be still. I see this in my own child. Often I get asked, "What time is it?" or says "We are going to be late!" and repeats these statements/questions until I have to assure him not to worry and that we won't be late. Am I grooming and overwhelmed and overbooked kid? 

My childhood was long days of playing in the street of my neighborhood or my friend's house playing make believe and riding bikes. I try to bring as much of my childhood into my child's by encouraging play (minus the screens) down time, reading and outdoor fun. But, you really cannot get away with a media and technologically free life these days. Come on. We as adults are the worst culprits! I guess it is a gentle balance between having real life, enriching experiences and fun with technology. 

It is important to make a conscious decision each day to make time for the small things. A slow sit down dinner with family where conversation is key. A short walk after dinner to settle our stomachs and enjoy a late summer evening before bed. A time for good morning kisses and goodnight hugs. A decision to skip church one Sunday to sleep in and make pancakes for your children. 

All of this is important. Important to slow down our roll! Teach ourselves about self-care. Not speed through life going 60 mph. Our kids take their cues from us. If we stress and run around haywire, so will they. If we enjoy the little things and take our time (when we can) doing activities and learn to just slow down, they will follow suit. The child who plays 3 sports and goes to every birthday party and every school function is not necessarily more grounded or well rounded. They just might be overbooked!

I often think of this quote by John Lennon. " Life is what happens when are busy making plans." I think what he meant by this is that you can get so caught up with your busyness that you are missing out on life itself, as it is happening. 

 Let's be conscious! Let's be deliberate! Let's start today. 

How do you conquer the overwhelm in your life?



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