Friday, June 19, 2015

Creating Space

Our space is something never thought about until we need to clean it! And it should be more than just a cleaning vessel. We are in need a space to come home to that is inviting, comfortable, warm and makes us feel good inside. It should be a space that welcomes you home from a long day at work and instantly changes your mindset from stressed to relaxed.This can be challenging when you live with other people especially children who adorn their toys, drawings, books and other things all the way into your living room. 

It is the things inside your home that can help you have a comfortable and warm setting. Think of all the things inside it. Pillows, decor, furniture, blankets, family photos, memories of events, your child's artwork, a special lamp you bought at an antique shop. All these things believe it or not bring your energy up or down. Now do not get me wrong. The people INSIDE the home is what makes it truly special and warm. But we are talking about the other things that you choose to have in your home. When was the last time you went to a store to buy something for your home and asked yourself " How does this make me feel and how will this fit in my home?". I did recently.

I bought a shiny, silver, ornate cute owl. I certainly did not seek out my day to go buy it, but when I saw it everything inside me said, COME HOME WITH ME! He is shiny, a nice weight when lifted and owls have these big, bold eyes that just stare at you. I often think of this little guy watching over me in my home. Symbolically, the owl is sacred to Greek goddess of learning. Plus, he looks pretty cute on my bookshelf. The lesson here, is that the owl charges me up! He gives me a sense of love in my home and warmth and is a good conversation piece. 

The other thing I need in my house is books. I always have a book or two next to my nightstand and a bookcase with much of what I have read over the years and some I still have to get to. Something about a book always being available to be picked up to be read gives me a sense of security.

So choose your home decor and items wisely. They often can dictate our emotions and how we feel each day.  Decide how you want the look and feel of your home to come across when you walk in the door. Are you a minimalist or materialist? Do you like bright colors or soft hues? Do you like candles and music playing or prefer quiet and serene. Go create your best space and give it detail and thought. After all, home is where the heart is!


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