Monday, June 8, 2015

Keep calm, and Drive On!

As if fighting the enviable Monday shuffle is not enough, we have to get our minds off the weekend of adventures, fun and relaxation to focus once again on work and our weekday responsibilities. On top of that, for some, there is the most dreaded commute to work. For many, this is quick and free of traffic and disturbances. For most it involves traffic delays, possible weaving around accidents and a long time in the car. For me, it is a time of solitude and a time to reflect on my weekend and to mentally prepare for what is in store for my day at work and I actually enjoy the time thoroughly.

For others, it is a game of "racetrack". C'mon you all know what I am talking about! For the "racers", these are people that are mostly consumed with getting just one more car ahead and zooming by everyone to get to work just that much quicker all on top of sending that one last text message while trying to zoom through lanes. They have forgotten about the loved ones they just said goodbye too and lost perspective on their morning all before 9am.  I don't know. I love my job and certainly there are times when I need to be there early, but why the disturbing behavior? With a little bit of planning and executing, I normally can do it and keep my head on. Never a need to run down the cars in front of me. For some, this is a daily routine and I cannot imagine it feels good inside at all. 

I often wonder why people expel the energy to get so angry and aggressive and take such personal grudges over for the most part, things we cannot control. I have to imagine there head either pops off by the time they get to work or they are beet red in the face upon arrival. God knows there is so many things we cannot control in life, this should be one you just surrender to. For your peace of mind as well as for your safety. Do people act this way in their workplace? At home? With their loved ones? Is being aggressive and pushy the only way to get ahead in life? 

I guess those questions might not all get answered. In the meantime you have a deliberate decision to make your commute pleasant and safe. For me, a typical car ride in consists of a cup of coffee, a Podcast show or music playing and reflection. It also involves small talk with my son and hopefully while his friends are not looking, a quick kiss goodbye if I am lucky! Sometimes deep breaths. Nobody's perfect and I too sometime feel the frustration of traffic and "racers" during my weekday commute. (I think I get more overwhelmed with the shuffle of actually getting out of the house honestly.) But there is a significant difference over feeling something and just allowing it to be and reacting on those feelings in a negative way. Sometimes the littlest of things can have the greatest impact on our everyday routines.

We all need to slow down and reflect on our every action and how those actions build into other parts of our lives whether it is work or our personal lives. So the next time someone lays on the horn because you are not moving QUITE that fast enough or is tailgating because you did not move over QUITE that quick enough, I hope you will consider happily to move right over! Put a smile on your face! Better yet wave to the racer :). We cannot change other peoples behaviors, but we have a complete decision to change our own behaviors for the better and be the example you desire.


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