Wednesday, December 30, 2015

12 Days of Holiday Joy DAY 10!

DAY 10: Eat, Drink and Be Merry!

Does the smell of apple pie bring back nostalgia of days gone by? How about making Christmas cookies with your mom or the smell of your dad's bourbon before bed? Whatever it is, be sure to use your taste buds to enjoy the season.

 Baking is something that always comes to mind around the holidays for me so it is one time I normally will make cookies, breads or other baked goods to enjoy and to share. My grandmother's nut roll is a tradition and something each grand kid got in their Christmas goodie bag each year.  A mini one for each of us. Coffee on Christmas morning was always a must in order for me to be awake for the present brigade that would soon ensure.

Whatever the tastes or your holidays have been, revel in them again. Find out what your families traditional recipes were and try to make one or create a new one! Traditions are happen when they are constantly done around the same time each year and carried on through family.


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