Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Liebster Award!

I would like to thank Kimberly Sharpe of Beloved and Chosen blog (Beloved and Chosen ) for nominating me for a Liebster Award! 

What is a Liebster Award? It is said that the award is used to recognize new bloggers and welcome them to the bloggesphere.- Lorraine Reguly 

Kimberly asked me the following questions.

1.What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called? 
Chrissy from my family but I prefer Chris or Christine. My birth name! :)

2.What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?  Probably that when I got older and was "grown up" everything would be better and easier. Oh boy!

3. Are you more likely to build your own empire or unleash the potential of others? I love this question! I believe I can build my empire while showing others how they can unleash their own potential and do the same. I serve to teach and am a lifelong learner.

4. Do you have a catch phrase? 

I don't! 

5.What is your all time favorite city and why? 

I love to visit Boston. It is slightly quieter than NYC, full of the arts, people watching and museums and history. 

6. What is the best news you ever received?

Realizing I was pregnant! I have a beautiful 9 year old boy. Joy of my life. 

7. If you were guaranteed the answer to one question, what would it be? I would want to know if know what happens to us after we die. I am a spiritual person and have my own ideas and beliefs on this. It would be nice to just know for sure if they are correct. 

8. If you had 2 hours left on earth, what would you do? Probably gather my family, camp out somewhere remote but beautiful and have thoughtful conversations and meaningful discussions.

9.What time of the day do you feel you have the most energy and what do you do in those moments?

Usually cleaning or blogging. The two things a girl never has enough time for. :)

10.Why did you start blogging? I started blogging because I love to write and it was oozing out of me and eating at me each day to just get it all out. It has been a creative outlet and passion now that I could not see my life without now. 

My nominees are:

Ramblings of a Subscription Addict 

New Grace News
Mich Santillan
Neon Dion Fitness
Jermaine Teves Blog
What to Expect When You're Not Expecting
Alternative Control
Dee Cuisine
Confidently Living
The Entertaining House

Here are my 10 questions for you!

1. How often do you blog?

2. What is your greatest accomplishment thus far?
3. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?
4. If given $10,000 tomorrow, what would you do with the money?
5. If there was one person in the world you would want to interview for your blog, who would it be and why?
6. What is your biggest fear?
7. What was the last book that you read?
8. How does your blog serve others?
9. What is the one place you would like to travel to and why?
10. What is the one characteristic you have that is most beneficial to others?




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