Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Value of Friendship

Friends are so invaluable in our lives. They are not family, not our lovers or co-workers, but the other piece of our social framework in which we spend our time, share our passions and rely on. Having a small network of good people around you makes a positive impact in your life and creates a happier environment when things might not be so happy. Hopefully you would have shared similar experiences in your life that will connect you for years to come. 

So what is so invaluable about friends?

* They raise us up when we are down

* They encourage us
* Accept our flaws and support our improvements
* Share in our successes
* Support us during our failures
* Can be miles away, but so close in our hearts

* Make time for each other
* Do not look to put your down or cut you out 
* Do not compare their lives to yours
* Keep their commitments and make you a priority
* Support your family and children
* Give practical advice
* Allow you to make your own decisions
* Do not lie or make up stories about themselves or you
* Can never be too busy for you
* Looks to include you in their life

* Shows appreciation and thanks you when its given back
* Lends a hand when no one else will
* Knows when to give you space and also when to knock your door down.
* Will tell you when they are upset with you
* Can tell when you are upset with them
* Shares their life events and celebrations with you
* Listens without needing to say anything
* Can be honest with us even if we do not want to hear it
* Will laugh at your jokes even if they are not that funny
* Pick you up off the floor when you are at a low

It was cathartic to think about the things I endure the most about my friendships and the values I seek in them. I do not have many friends but I almost choose to have it that way. One or two good ones are better than a group of people you hardly know for more than sharing drinks with every weekend. Friends can be many things. Choose them wisely. Invest in them and you will get much more on your return!

What is the one thing you value the most about your friends?



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